5 Ways Teens Can Control Acne

Around 80% of 11 – 30 years old are affected by acne; like, my friend named Jack who was unaware of skincare routine and started having acne at the age of 16. He has tried some medical procedures and done simple acne home-remedies. In fact, acne treatments have evolved over the years that all acne can be controlled. Thus, Jack who used to feel embarrassed with acne and its marks is now treated. He told me that those simple skincare that does not cost much is as effective as those treatment offered by dermatologist.

Acne Facts

Teens prone to acne should be encouraged to develop a daily skincare routine. Here are some basic strategies that can be easily included as a part of your adolescent’s daily routine:


Gently wash your face twice a day (morning and night) and after exercise.There is no need to scrub; use your fingers and hands to massage your face with an alcohol-free soap. Facecloths and sponges can be abrasive and damaging to sensitive skin. Rinse with room temperature water and gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel.

Facial wash

Shampoo daily. This is important if your acne is problematic on your forehead or neck where your hair touches your skin.


Avoid make-up. Or at least be aware that make-up can exacerbate the problem and that you may need to try different brands to find the one that is best tolerated.


Don’t touch your face! Picking, popping, squeezing and even rubbing your acne can make it worse.


Be patient. It may take as long as a month to see real improvement with prescription acne treatments and things may get worse before they get better.


It sounds like what your son may need is professional help. Make an appointment with your family doctor or pediatrician if your teen has acne that has failed a trial of drugstore (or infomercial) therapy, if acne is severe, or if your child is anxious or self-conscious about their acne.


Medical treatment of acne starts with prescription creams. Expect creams to contain benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, tretinoin (a form of vitamin A) or some combination of these ingredients.


Anticipate prescription creams to cause some mild redness and drying of the skin. Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for a milder preparation, or try applying the creams every other day if this becomes problematic.


Source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/ask-a-health-expert/5-ways-teens-can-control-acne-and-what-to-do-if-all-else-fails/article10492879/


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